The Generational Translator

Do you "not get" Gen Z or young Millennials?

Are you struggling to attract and retain younger talent? If yes, I can help.


The Secret to Managing Gen Z: The Handbook

Everything you need to know to attract, onboard, and retain Gen Z talent.

Janet's favorite topics

  • Closing the Generational Divide:
    Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X
  • How to Manage Gen Z
  • How to Attract and Retain Young Talent
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Years of experience
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Younger employees think a certain way. Janet can translate.

Almost every industry is challenged  integrating 5 different generations in the workplace. It doesn’t have to be this hard.

What we are good at

Please explore our areas of service, and be sure to reach out for a free consultation to see how we might be able to work together.

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You won’t get a bot – let’s have a real conversation. How do you want to drive change?

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Fort Lauderdale, FL